BBC film Paddlers for Life Windermere for the Inside Out NW Show.
Our first ever December paddle.
We don’t usually paddle at this time of year but a request from the BBC to film Paddlers for Life Windermere led to a date being arranged. The weather wasn’t cooperative and dates were changed but members finally managed to paddle on Saturday 7th. December. Interviews had been filmed earlier in the week and now was the time to show what paddlers do.
Roz helmed a full boat and Jane was on the drum.
All aspects of a paddling day were filmed, dressing the boat, crew warm up, getting the dragon boat on the water and going through the paddling training.
In spite of a fair forecast for the morning the drizzle arrived and then rain and wind steadily increased as the dragon boat carrying the interviewer was filmed from Paul’s boat and then from within the dragon boat.
In spite of the conditions paddlers showed the spirit of dragon boat paddling…
…and gathered for warm drinks at the Low Wood Hotel with the BBC crew afterwards.
December 11, 2019 (8:22 am)
It was a great morning’s paddle in the true spirit of PFL and with our own goddess Roz at the helm we were in safe hands in wet and windy conditions along with Jane on the drum who kept our timing tight and together.
We certainly paddled long and strong, Keni would of been proud!!
Keeping in touch with our own traditions and International Dragon Boat traditions within the IBCPC and thinking of those paddlers currently going through treatments who could not be there with us, also those we have lost but will never ever forget we had flowers on and around the drum we did a beautiful flower ceremony and sang Nanuma which is a song that PFL have always used for our flower ceremony and has many heartfelt memories for many of us.
Rudolf Steiner says “when the human being hears music, he experiences a sense of well-being for the tones resonate with what he remembers from his spiritual home” and in singing together this strengthens our spiritual fellowship, gives us a way to reconnect with each other and the most ancient and biggest parts of ourselves.
You ladies were all with us in spirit !!and will always be in our boat !!
Thanks to must go to our Trustees for all the arrangements with BBC no mean feat at this time of year with the weather and to our fantastic team of supporters in the support boats,Steve,Chris,Steve,Paul and of course Nick for the great pics too and last but certainly not least Paul Brown Watersports Centre who as always so so supportive of us both on and off the water Thank you to you all for helping in making our day go so well with great paddling and in creating more happy smiles and memories.