Mary Smith, Reeve for the Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, and husband Al met Sylvia Emmott, Chair of SLDC.

Another evening paddle welcomed Mary Smith and Al who many members will remember from Lakefield in Canada.

On arrival Low Wood Bay looked like this.

On arrival Low Wood Bay looked like this.

By the time we were paddling it looked like this. Lynn, Elaine, Nick, Alwyn, Steph, Fran, Sue P-J, John, Louisa, Sue, Mary, Al and Peter enjoyed the view while we paddled.

By the time we were paddling it looked like this.
Lynn, Elaine, Nick, Alwyn, Steph, Fran, Sue P-J, John, Louisa, Sue, Mary, Al and Peter enjoyed the view while we paddled.


 Mary Smith and Al ready to paddle.

Mary Smith and Al ready to paddle.

Sylvia Emmott and Mary Smith compare notes.

Sylvia Emmott and Mary Smith compare notes.









Mary Smith visits from Canada.Mary Smith and Al ready to paddle.

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