‘Wear It Pink’ breast cancer awareness and fund-raising event.

There was friendly rivalry to end the paddling season.
Staff from English Lakes Hotels tried their hand at dragon boat paddling thanks to Paddlers for Life
along with paddling visitors from Devon.
Peter trained novice paddlers and Chris helmed the second boat.
Three teams were created, a hotel staff team, a Paddlers for Life team and a mixed team.

There was friendly rivalry to end the paddling season. Staff from English Lakes Hotels tried their hand at dragon boat paddling thanks to Paddlers for Life  along with paddling visitors from Devon. There was friendly rivalry to end the paddling season. Staff from English Lakes Hotels tried their hand at dragon boat paddling thanks to Paddlers for Life  along with paddling visitors from Devon.






Each team had two chances to race over a 200m sprint distance across Low Wood Bay.
Times ranged consistently between 1 minute 39 seconds and 1 minute 25 seconds.
The English Lakes Hotel staff team just managed the best time by the narrowest margin of 0.1 seconds.

Thanks to Paul for organising and managing the event and the hotel for providing wonderful hospitality.
Thanks to Sue for organising the teams and races.

Well done everyone else for making the event such fun.

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