Paddlers for Life Founder Member will carry the London 2012 Olympic Torch during the torch relay.

Paddlers for Life Founder Member will carry the London 2012 Olympic Torch during the torch relay.

Sue Cogley, founder member and Trustee of Paddlers for Life, is pleased to announce that she has been selected by the Olympic Committee to be a torch bearer for the 2012 London Olympics Torch Relay. 

Sue Cogley, founder member and Trustee of Paddlers for Life, is pleased to announce that she has been selected by the Olympic Committee to be a torch bearer for the 2012 London Olympics Torch Relay.

Sue Cogley, founder member and Trustee of Paddlers for Life.

Sue talks of her pride in representing Paddlers for Life.

She will be carrying the torch on the 22nd of June in Blackpool and will get to know the exact location around a month before the event.

Sue expresses her thanks to everyone who nominated her. ” I am very honoured to be representing Paddlers for Life”. “A special thanks to June who’s kind words put my nomination through.“

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