Keni coaches in preparation for the Thames paddle in the Jubilee Pageant.

What a gorgeous, sunny day for paddlers as Keni came over from Three River Serpents to coach us in preparation for our Queen’s Flotilla paddle next weekend and the Windermere ‘Longest Lake Longest Race’ soon after.

Keni coaches the crews ready for some long distance paddles.In the morning two boats did a sustained 30 minute paddle round the north end of Windermere in gorgeous sunshine. The gusting wind and water ski boats allowed them to practice in choppy conditions ready for the Thames next week. Take a look at the dragon head on our new boat!Choppy conditions as the dragon head dips under.

In the afternoon Keni prepared us for the Windermere race by refining our paddling technique with some constructive coaching and encouragement as Roz helmed.Keni coaches some sustained long distance paddles.

In the middle of all this fun Shane, a local artist with links to Paddlers for Life, was taking photos and videos in preparation for an artwork he is creating. He really entered into the spirit of paddling by taking a turn on the drum.

A local artist joins us on the drum. He may paint a dragon boat mural.

A local artist joins us on the drum. He may paint a dragon boat mural.


Morning paddle, 3.5 miles, 816 kcalories
Afternoon paddle , 4 miles, 927 kcalories

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