Some Paddlers for Life members have had a busy weekend. Saturday and Sunday 21st and 22nd. July.

Some Paddlers for Life members have had a busy weekend. Saturday and Sunday 21st and 22nd. July.

A few members had a hectic Saturday at Upfront Gallery on the next stage of the Dragon Heads.

They worked on finishing and painting the heads and also managed to make and decorate bodies for three out of four dragons.

One visited Low Wood Bay today!

Our completed dragon heads.

Our completed dragon heads.







Meanwhile on Sunday Peter managed the choppy conditions with his usual style and panache.
Paddlers had a couple of challenging and exciting sessions with Peter trying out a few quick turning manouvers requiring paddlers to paddle at speed, stop the boat, assist the turn by drawing and then resume paddling.

Paddlers finished off with the rear paddlers steering the boat back to the jetty as if there was no helm simulating a lost helm or steering arm.
Lots of excitement in challenging conditions and wetter than usual paddlers!

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