‘Down and Ready’ Day 

‘Down and Ready’ Day 

Paddlers for Life members met at Levens Village Institute to prepare for the new season.

'Down and Ready' Day Paddling practice.

‘Down and Ready’ Day Paddling practice.

Roz led the day and had clearly put a lot of thought and preparation into the meeting. The primary purpose of the day was to inform new members about what to expect on a typical paddling day. The aim was to ensure they knew what to wear, paddling procedures including getting the boats out, organising crews, preparation for exercise, paddling commands and the many aspects of safety that Paddlers for Life has in place to ensure paddlers are safe.

Regular paddlers helped Roz explain different roles within the team and a paddling crew with Peter, Jane and Diet describing the ‘helm’ role and Lynn explaining about ‘stroke pair’.
It was also a chance for regular paddlers to reaquaint themselves with what we do and meet old friends and new over a fantastic selection of food in a Jacob’s Join.
The day finished with a ‘friendly’ quiz to review what we had learned in the day deftly chaired by Roz as paddlers practised their inclusive and non competitive ethos!
It was an excellent day and should help new and regular paddlers to fit into the well-oiled crew that is Paddlers for Life, Windermere.

Thanks to Roz and all paddlers for their participation, support and sharing the wonderful food.'Down and Ready' Day Paddling practice.

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