What a beautiful September Sunday and an opportunity to paddle in this exquisite location.

What a beautiful September Sunday and an opportunity to paddle in this exquisite location.

A tour of northern Windermere and to Waterhead for coffee.Helen helmed us on a blustery trip up to Waterhead in the morning with some tricky maouvering at Holme Crag rock where the SSW wind caught Artemis Phyllis as she tried to slip into the northern reaches of Windermere.
The crew were revitalised by refreshments at the Wateredge Inn.
In the afternoon we had a strong paddling session up to Ambleside YHA and then all the way south almost to Brockhole in friendlier winds. Quite a challenge for our novice paddlers Susan and Franco as we did some sustained paddling interspersed with brief power surges.

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