Circle Dance Evening at Shap Memorial Hall

Circle Dance Evening at Shap Memorial Hall

One of Paddlers for Life dragon puppets made an appearance at the circle dance.

One of Paddlers for Life dragon puppets made an appearance at the circle dance.

Barbara says…
“What a night!  The dragon dancing was sensational!  The circle dancing wonderful!”

We we raised £660.00 which is brilliant.
“Thanks to all paddlers who helped out and provided fantastic food and raffle prizes.
I just couldn’t have got it all ready without you.”

BlueJam Folk provided beautiful music for the Interval which was much appreciated.
Most of all, we are very fortunate for the enthusiastic and generous support from the
circle dancing community, who have so much in common with our ethos and ensured
that the evening was a huge success.

One of Paddlers for Life dragon puppets made an appearance at the circle dance.

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