An important day in the calendar of Paddlers for Life Windermere, Eye Dotting.

The fith day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar is traditionally the time to ‘dot the eyes’ of the dragons to awaken their spirit. Ruth related the origins of this tradition and Judy, Sian and Chris dotted the eyes of Phyllis, Lucy and Mary as members looked on.

Paddlers gather for the dotting of the eyes of the dragon heads.

Paddlers gather for the dotting of the eyes of the dragon heads.

Following traditions, buckwheat was thrown on to the waters of Windermere, ‘hell money’ was burnt and the paddlers beat the waters with their paddles shouting ‘Awaken!’ to wake the dragons.Paddlers gather for the dotting of the eyes of the dragon heads. Paddlers gather for the dotting of the eyes of the dragon heads.

Paddlers gather for the dotting of the eyes of the dragon heads.









Beating the water with paddles is a tradition of the eye dotting Chinese story.

Beating the water with paddles is a tradition of the eye dotting Chinese story.

Paddlers for Life Windermere often use this day to thank supporters for their role in helping ensure everyone can paddle safely.

Cumberland Building Society present a cheque to support the Tenth Anniversary film project.

Cumberland Building Society present a cheque to support the Tenth Anniversary film project.

Also we send a huge ‘Thank you!’ to Cumberland Building Society for their donation of £250.
The money will be used to help fund our Tenth Anniversary film celebrating ten years of dragon boat paddling.
The film will be used to promote our activities at breast cancer clinics and support centres.

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