Friends of Paddlers for Life
There are many people and groups in the locality and across the country and wider world who have given our team generous support.
One such group is the Three River Serpents, the ‘Serpees’, who are a UK league dragon boat team based in Durham.
This is one of their dragon boats on loan at the Paddlers for Life inaugural seminar in 2008. They brought it over on a trailer to show at the event as Paddlers for Life had not yet taken delivery of their new boats.
They took two of their dragon boats to Loch Ken in Dumfries and Galloway so that a local group could have a taster day for dragon boat paddling.
They have paddled in the boat with us and in their own boat alongside us at Solstice Paddle events paddling the length of Windermere.
We have visited Durham Rowing Club to paddle with them prior to our paddling season.
Keni has coached us every year that we have been paddling.
Now they are doing a Tahitian challenge to raise additional funds for their OC6 outrigger canoe. The challenge is to cover the distance the canoe traveled from Tahiti to Durham, 17,726.32 km by human powered means. Some Paddlers for Life Windermere paddlers are helping with the challenge and many members have donated.
You can see a video promoting their challenge here.
Update: The Serpees completed their tahitian Challenge and clocked up the distance total and also raised a little over their £5000 target for the purchase of their OC6 outrigeer canoe.
If you haven’t donated please consider doing so by going here.
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