Our 2022 paddling season ends with flowers.

Our plans for a ‘pink paddle’, raising breast cancer awareness, were cancelled due to forecast rain and wind gusts. October is breast cancer awareness month.

Nevertheless, some paddlers gathered for a flower ceremony, and to close the eyes of our three dragon boat heads.

Paddlers reflect on family, friends and fellow paddlers no longer paddling with us for a variety of reasons.

The flower ceremony revisits an Abreast in a Boat tradition. They were the first breast cancer dragon boat team who started the tradition of throwing flowers on the water to reflect on those affected by cancer in Toronto, Canada twenty five years ago.

Now hundreds of breast cancer dragon boat teams across the world think of fellow paddlers in similar ceremonies.

We threw carnations onto the waters of Windermere as the rain fell gently.

Then we closed the eyes of our dragons planning to re-awaken them in 2023 so that we can gain from their strength and protection.

Paddlers then met at Ambleside Parish Hall for a ‘Jacob’s Join’ of delicious food and conversation around shared experiences.

Although paddling has finished for the 2022 season of paddling, there will be a winter programme to promote fitness and well-being with winter walks and fitness sessions.

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