2023 ‘dotting the eyes’ ceremony.

Paddlers gathered for this traditional ceremony where the eyes of the dragon boat heads are painted with a dot of paint to represent the eyes opening. This is considered to awaken the spirit of the dragons and gain their protection.

We like to invite members and supporters of our team to perform this task acknowledging their support.

Additionally, as part of the ceremony and tradition, the story of Chinese poet Qu Yuan is told.

Also, ‘hell money’ burnt, buckwheat is thrown and the water and paddles beat the water with their paddles to say ‘awaken, awaken, awaken’ to the spirits of the water.

Paddlers for Life Windermere like to support community projects and fundraising.

On the Summer Solstice weekend , 24th. and 25th. January 2023, we are supporting a fund raising team in an Event for Harry’s Heroes.

Over five days the fundraisers are walking 100 miles in the Lake District including 40 Wainrights and total ascent which is more than the height of Everest. The culmination of their challenge is to paddle dragon boats, alongside Paddlers for Life Windermere paddlers, from Low Wood to Lakeside and back. This is a 20 mile paddle. equivalent to paddling the English Channel.

Some of the team joined us today for some practice dragon boat paddling.

You can support this fund raiser at Gofundme here.

After our ceremony two dragon boats did a tour of northern Windermere before sharing food in a ‘Thank you! supporters’ Jacob’s Join.

A great day for paddling in beautiful weather on a calm lake with wonderful company.

All this under the protection of a ‘dragon’ in the sky.

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