Loch Ken paddling taster event.

The group paddling at Loch Ken in south west Scotland who are forming under the ‘Paddlers for Life’ umbrella now have their web-site live.
They have some information about the group and photos of their inaugural taster event with the Three River Serpents in view.

Three River Serpents and Paddlers for Life helped Paddlers for Life Scotland South West in their inaugural event.
The purpose was to bring a taste of Dragon Boat paddling to the people of Dumfries and Galloway and raise support to create a group of paddlers on Loch Ken near Castle Douglas.

Paddlers for Life take the opportunity in the break to paddle on Loch Ken thanks to the loan of a Three River Serpents boat.

Paddlers for Life take the opportunity in the break to paddle on Loch Ken thanks to the loan of a Three River Serpents boat.

Two full boats in the morning and three full boats in the afternoon all with different crews eager to sample the delights of paddling and racing.

Two full boats in the morning and three full boats in the afternoon all with different crews eager to sample the delights of paddling and racing.

Three River Serpents prepare to give a group of paddlers their first taste of the fun of Dragon Boat paddling.

Three River Serpents prepare to give a group of paddlers their first taste of the fun of Dragon Boat paddling.

Paddlers for Life members wait while crews of new paddlers are briefed about safety and the basics of paddling.

Paddlers for Life members wait while crews of new paddlers are briefed about safety and the basics of paddling.

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