3 Results for month: 09/2010

Who would be a drummer on a Dragon Boat?

Who would be a drummer on a Dragon Boat? More

Filming at Low Wood for the paddling simulator.

Filming at Low Wood. Helen is one of a team of artists, engineers and health professionals who are working on a project to create a Dragon Boat simulator. The project will use technology to allow people to try out Dragon Boat paddling. Film footage is needed to create that 'authentic' on the water feel. &nb... More

Kendal Torchlight procession.

Paddlers for Life were brilliant, lively and glittery at the Kendal Torchlight Event on friday. Lots of hard work by many members and supporters culminated in a wonderful  float featuring Artemis Diana with a colourful and enthusiastic crew. Paddlers for Life won best charity float in Kendal Torchlight Carnival last ... More