Helm Training

Helm Training

Sue, Peter and Jane organised a helm training weekend for helms to refresh their skills and to train new helms. There was a wonderful turnout of paddlers over two days helping the new helms by powering the boat in the windy conditions.

Rowena was one member who did the helm training.

Rowena was one member who did the helm training.

Six trainee helms, breast cancer survivors and supporters, took command of dragon boats Lucy and Artemis Phyllis at the weekend. Great credit to a magnificent effort on the challenging waters of Lake Windermere to acquire the new and demanding skills of helming. Two crews, generously and patiently gave their time during two days, encouraging the trainees to successfully complete their assessment. A big thank you to Peter and Jane Cogley, both in the classroom and on the water, for sharing their knowledge and confidence which enables Paddlers for Life to go from strength to strength.

Helen also took part in the helm training.

Helen also took part in the helm training.


Paddlers from Manchester Dragoneers and Port edgar Dragons also trained as helms.

Paddlers from Manchester Dragoneers and Port Edgar Dragons also trained as helms.

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