Eye Dotting ceremony 2013

Eye Dotting ceremony 2013

Sue 'dots the eyes' of one of the dragon boat heads.

Sue ‘dots the eyes’ of one of the dragon boat heads.

It is traditional each year, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (usually June) for crews of paddlers to re-enact the frantic rush to save poet and courtier Qu Yuan, by powering long narrow boats with the ferocious heads of dragons mounted on the prow through the water, to the frenzied, rhythmic beating of drums. Part of this ceremony is to ‘dot the eyes’ of the dragons by painting in a pupil to the dragons’ eyes.

Keni 'dots the eyes' of the other dragon boat head.This traditionally re-awakens the dragons and allows them to release their powers to ward off evil spirits and protect the health and wellbeing of the dragon boat crew. Buckwheat was thrown on the water and ‘hell money’ burnt by paddlers as part of other traditions linked to the ceremony.
Sue and Keni were honoured to complete this task for Paddlers for Life, Windermere.


Red ribbons were attached to the boats to signify good fortune, smooth ‘sailing’, and blessings for the crew. Then the crews charged the boats towards the shore shouting “Awake. awake, awake.”











Keni 'dots the eyes' of the other dragon boat head.

Keni ‘dots the eyes’ of the other dragon boat head.

Beating the water with paddles, Awake, awake, awake!

Beating the water with paddles, Awake, awake, awake!

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