Coffee Morning Fundraiser 2014

Silverdale supports our fundraising efforts.

Thank you Mags yet again for your wonderful effort organising this annual fundraiser.
As always we had generous support from the Silverdale Community with people from Silverdale helping Paddlers for Life members by taking charge of stalls and helping with refreshments and providing the excellent Hall facilities. Of course the community came
out in force to support us enjoying the games, stalls and refreshments

The outcome of all this hard work and wonderful support was a fabulous fund raising total
of £1,086. This is the amount left to support the charitable work of Paddlers for Life, Windermere after expenses incurred in putting on the coffee morning have been taken out.

A huge ‘Thank You!’ to everyone from Silverdale who supported us and all the Paddlers for Life, Windermere members who worked hard to make this event the success it was.

Mags organised the coffee morning that raised funds for Paddlers for Life.

Mags organised the coffee morning that raised funds for Paddlers for Life.

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