Water confidence and safety session.

Water Safety Session, Kendal Leisure Centre.

A select group of paddlers gathered to refresh their water safety skills.  Anne Gair very bravely took centre stage in the survival circle which demonstrates the warmest place to be whilst awaiting rescue. The ‘crocodile’ paddling was brilliantly co-ordinated and worked effectively.  Paddlers practised getting under and back out of an upturned canoe, pulling a team-mate into the canoe and tipping themselves out of the canoe.  It was a very successful evening.

Thanks to Megan for leading the session, to Alix and Sarah for bringing their canoe and to everyone who came out in the wild, wet and windy weather.

Paddlers experience being under a capsized canoe.

Paddlers experience being under a capsized canoe.


Supporting fellow paddlers in the water. Forming a circle for group support.

Supporting fellow paddlers in the water.

Supporting fellow paddlers in the water. Forming a circle for group support and to keep each other warm.

Supporting fellow paddlers in the water. Forming a circle for group support and to keep each other warm.


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