Water safety session on Windermere.

Water safety session on Windermere


Paddlers prepare for a controlled water safety event which will lead to a dip in Windermere.

Paddlers prepare for a controlled water safety event which will lead to a dip in Windermere.

With the water temperature at 17 degrees a small crew of twelve prepared to rehearse some safety procedures. 

Safety is paramount in this water safety practice.

Safety is paramount in this water safety practice.

The exertion of paddling in wet suits was interrupted by various ‘problems’. First we lost our helm Chris overboard and paddled back to get him on board. Then the rear paddling pair practised steering the boat with their paddles in order to learn to steer the boat in the absence of a helm. After some more paddling we had the second misfortune to lose the drummer, Paul, overboard.

Procedure if a helm falls overboard.

Procedure if a helm falls overboard.

Finally the dragon boat was filled with water until it sank to the gunwhales.

The dragon boat is almost submerged. Next we need to get some water out and some paddlers back in.

The dragon boat is almost submerged. Next we need to get some water out and some paddlers back in.

All the paddlers experienced being out of the boat in the water and then later returning to the boat as it was baled out.

All this was to help develop safety procedures and to review what works best. Thanks to all those who participated and those who observed from the shore. Thanks also to Paul for his guidance and participation and Megan and Rob in the support boat.

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