Presentation to Paddlers for Life Windermere.

Presentation to Paddlers for Life Windermere.

Sian and some of her friends in the Navy Reserve group HMS Ceres completed a tandem skydive at Grange-over-sands to raise funds for two charities one of which was Paddlers for Life.

A wonderful donation from this fund raiser. Bravo!

A wonderful donation from this fund raiser. Bravo!

The initial donation was a very generous £500 and when the sponsorship all comes in there may be more.
Sian has been filming for the Paddlers for Life 10th. Anniversary and the members were shown the ten minute film of our activities which has been submitted for possible showing at Kendal Mountain Festival in November 2017.
The team loved the film which tells the story of Paddlers for Life and shows the range of activities we have participated in

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