Paddlers for Life Windermere Fundraiser for Florence

Paddlers for Life Windermere Fundraiser in Silverdale.

What a magnificent fundraising effort from the residents of Silverdale supporting Paddlers for Life yet again with such warmth and enthusiasm. Mags, June, Val, Kathy, Muriel and Fenella did an amazing job of organising this event and many PfLW members and supporters made a huge effort to make sure the event was successful. Our friends and supporters in Silverdale did us proud and helped us raise the fantastic total of £1400.

Ready to serve afternoon tea at the Silverdale Florence fundraiser.

Ready to serve afternoon tea at the Silverdale Florence fundraiser.

What an afternoon tea it was too. Gaskell Hall looked wonderful, the food was delicious, the cakes were gorgeous and the entertainment was perfect with keyboard entertainment from Rebecca Parkinson and lovely singing from our own Sandra and Steve. Our own Paddlers for Life film was warmly received. The 100 ‘Afternoon Tea’ tickets were virtually sold out and the wonderful raffle prizes, generously donated, prompted a flurry of raffle ticket buying to raise the £1400. This is a great reward for everyone’s generous contribution and effort.

The buffet is ready.

The buffet is ready.

A toast to Paddlers for Life.

A toast to Paddlers for Life.

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