Paddling sessions are going well.

The arrangements for our covid-19 safe paddling sessions continue to work well.

The trustees have done a brilliant job of arranging our covid-19 safe paddling sessions and they are working well with the strong support of trustees and members in key safety roles.

Because our helms are committed to ensuring as many paddlers as possible can paddle we have large numbers of members who have been able to paddle with Thursday sessions and usually three Sunday sessions. Today was the sixth week of paddling.

The weather and water conditions have generally been good though today had a challenge for the first crew out with a very torrential downpour early in their session. Although the shower was short lived, paddlers agreed they had never experienced rain quite like it!

June writes…

The 10 am crew had a fantastic paddle with our wonderful patron Jane as helm on Artemis Phyllis putting us
through our paces. We looked at paddle techniques, increasing effort and paddling long and strong. We also paddled
through rain whilst waiting for the crew of Mary at Low Wood to launch to enable two boats out together. We
were all very very wet but that did not diminish our high spirits on National Thank You day. We thanked our
newbies for the courageous move in joining us in lock down, our amazing helms for keeping us safe in our
beautiful dragon boats on the water and to our Patrons and Trustees who have done an amazing job of keeping
us all connected during the pandemic and in their support in keeping us safe on our return to paddle.
Thank you everyone on National Thank you day ….

The mid-day crew return from their tour of northern Windermere.

The afternoon team also toured northern Windermere with Roz helming and Jane drumming and coaching.

Coaching skills included paddle hold and stroke skills. The crew also experienced ‘blind’ paddling with eyes closed to help timing and also various routines to develop the ability to increase stroke power whilst maintaining timing.

Our return journey made good use of the power as we had an exhilarating paddle against the wind and with a little rain in our faces.

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