Getting to know our OC6.
Two different boats on Windermere.
It was a day for getting to know how our different boats behave for both paddlers and helms/steers.
June writes…
Louisa on the drum and John helming. Nice to see paddlers paddling together on the same seat ……small steps forward.
Second OC6 crew with Roz and Chris as steer keeping us on course but trying out the new techniques learnt from Cam and Siobhan.
Such as always communicating onboard over your left shoulder, try to always lean to the left whatever side you are paddling from. Seat 1 and 4 always starting paddling on the left 2 and 3 starting on the right. Seat 3 doing the counting and timing of the “Huts” for changing sides and always bracing on whatever side is your start side.
What a great paddle we had together and enabling seeing our steers confidence grow and our paddlers too in learning new skills in the OC6.
Sue would be proud !! Aloha.

What a wet session for some but the smiles and laughter still there. Even our support crew boat got wet wet wet!
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